Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Finding a lost pet
by Jamie Hanson

When you talk about pets, the first pet that comes to your mind is your dog or cat. Yes, apart from other animals and birds like rabbits, snakes, parrots, monkeys, chimps and many more, mostly people love to keep dogs or cats as their pets. These animals love and care for you more than your own family member. Dogs are known to be man's most faithful companion. There is no one as faithful or loyal as a dog.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Silent Spring

It is really enjoyable to read this classic and thoughtful book, Silent Spring, released in 1962, written by Rachel Carlson. The impact of green revolution is clearly noticed, particularly in the use of pesticides.  She claimed that the use of pesticides is more destructive than any other impact of agricultural inputs.   This book is still relevant to the present time when the use of pesticides is getting more integrated with the application of genetic engineering to have pesticide-resistant plants. Ecologists must read this book, so do with environmental and agricultural students in general.  No one really want to have a silent spring! Let's stop the use of excessive pesticides in agricultural practices.